You are trying to download data, but the full set is not downloading because it is too big.
1. If you are using an unlicensed version of the Exponam.Connect tool, you are restricted to a limited number of rows in most scenarios. If your company has a license for Exponam.Connect, apply the license to have full access. Otherwise, you can get a license for Exponam.Connect. VIsit Exponam.Connect for details.
2. Using a licensed, unrestricted version of Exponam.Connect, check your preferences to increase the number of rows you can download per sheet, and the number of sheets. Note that the maximum rows per sheet is 100,000 and the maximum number of sheets is 5.
3. If you are trying to access more than 5,000,000 rows, you cannot import them all at once into Excel. This is a restriction based on Excel's capabilities. Instead, you can download your data directly to a data file, bypassing Excel. You can save to csv or .BIG formats. The benefits of saving to .BIG are:
- .BIG files can be opened, no matter how large, directly in the free Exponam Explorer (or with any other Exponam .BIG technologies – APIs, CLIs, JDBC)
- .BIG files are highly compressed, may be secured, are immutable, and contain detailed provenance information
- .BIG files are an excellent option for securely storing and distributing data sets to people both within and outside of your organization.
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